Become a hero and show everyone who is the fastest!
An incredible, exciting adventure is waiting for you.
Boulkins - a simple, nenapryagayuschaya game in the style of Russian folk tale "Kolobok." This game is made in the best traditions of folk art and refers to the forgotten childhood tales.
Authentic scenery, obstacles, among which there are fire-devouring stoves, and hard-to-overcome stakes, and of course, huts on chicken legs. In Boulkins you are in danger at every turn. Prove yourself that you can overcome them! And share the result with friends who have undoubtedly heard about the kolobok.
Be faster than the wind, faster than a gray wolf and show all your skills in an arcade runner. Only your ability to evade obstacles will help you survive and run as far as possible. A lot of awards are waiting for you in Game Center, so what are you waiting for!
After exhausting runners, saturated with an incredible amount of difficulties to spend time with boulkins - that's what you need. Collect coins, prove that you can jump ahead of everyone, and may the magic of bread be with you!
Fast, cereal, yours! Now you can be in the role of Bulkin :)