Solve it: Alamashi is a challenging and speedy game that deals with various cultural questions in various fields.
Questions about Arab and international cultures await you to test yourself while running towards your goal (you cannot stop)!
- More than 400 different questions.
- Various departments and fields.
- Many barriers and obstacles.
- You can play with or without an internet connection.
- You can create your own test with questions and answers and publish it for everyone to play!
- You can play quizzes made by other players in many fields and evaluate them.
- Collect points and spend them in the specialized store to diversify the ways of playing and purchase aids that help you solve the questions.
- You can play the endless mode and challenge yourself by trying to earn the highest number of points and challenge your friends in it.
Solved by Aalmashi game is an kinetic cultural game that challenges the player to answer random questions in a short time, requiring quick thinking and reaction.
A game that requires intelligence, culture and quick wit!
Solving it on the walk will increase your cultural knowledge in addition to an enjoyable experience full of challenge and competition.
Download it now and solve it on the go!