It is a pretty difficult game to control a fighter plane.
If you do not do anything, the descent speed increases steadily and crashes to the sea immediately so let's hold down the "rising" button to avoid crashing.
However, if the altitude becomes too high, you will not be able to increase the ascent rate even if you press the "raise" button.
You can raise it by pressing and holding the "rising" button for a long time when it gets back up to the elevatable altitude, but I think that you can play smoothly if you do not raise it too much.
Pressing the "missile" button fires the missile.
You can shoot down the launched missile if it hits the enemy plane.
I can not fire missiles, so I think that shooting down all enemy aircraft is difficult.
Please see the radar on the screen and decide which enemy aircraft to shoot down and decide which enemy aircraft to avoid and play.
At the end of the stage there is a runway.
If your descent speed is too fast your own machine will explode, so let's gently landing.
If you succeed in landing, you can proceed to the next stage.
If there is interrupted data, you can play from the stage after the stage you cleared by selecting the "Continue" button on the title screen.
By selecting the "about" button displayed when the "menu" button is selected at the time of starting the application, it is possible to display the web page of the following materials.
Sound effect material: Satan's soul