It is a support application that performs matching of "cozy play dungeon" of "Pazzdra". Applications and searches are available directly from the game screen! Both servers and clients are extremely lightweight and operate at high speeds, so they can be used comfortably even during congestion.
What this application can do · Stay resident on the screen even during the game · Minimize during game · Can recruit members during cooperative play · Parties participating in cooperative play can be displayed
■ How to use 【Resident apps】
Launch the application and press "Start resident"
【Resident app resident】
Launch the application and press "Resume Release" or press "Resident End" on the application bar
【Minimize application bar】
Press the "Minimize" button on the left of the application bar
【Maximizing application bar】
Press the "▶" button at the upper left of the screen
【Moving Resident Icon】
Long press the "▶" button and release at the place you want to move
【When recruiting members】
1. Select a cooperative play dungeon with passdra and copy room ID 2. After the application resident, press the ▶ button on the upper left to display the application 3. Select the dungeon and press the 【Wanted】 button 4. Enter the room ID automatically, so enter the comment and press "send button" 5. When partners of cooperative play gather, press "recruitment completion"
【Participation when you want to participate】
1. After resident application, press the ▶ button on the upper left to display the application 2. Select the dungeon and press the "Join" button 3. Since multiple recruitment comments are displayed, press the comment you want to join.
4. If you can not join, press Update and select a new comment.
■ Update record v1.0.0
· First appearance
■ Notice It is an informal support application that matches the cooperation play dungeon of "Pazzdra" which can call directly for recruitment / participation from the game screen of Pazdora. This application has nothing to do with GunHo at all.