New game with famous characters, soldiers and zombies!
Zombie stormed the Great Wall of China! Help Chinese soldiers to defeat the zombies!
Great Wall of China (長城, exercise 长城, 萬里長城, exercise 万里长城..) - An ancient fortification, one of the largest monuments, is a symbol of China.
According to the historical version of the Great Wall began to build in the III century BC at the behest of the legendary Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di, the first ruler who united China in a single state.
It was built over many centuries, up until the 17th century, and stretches from the coast of the Yellow Sea to the deserts of Northwest China. A myth is the claim that the wall is unique and continuous.
"The Great Wall" today - it's all the protective structures built by different Chinese dynasties for protection against attacks of nomads and from hostile neighboring states.
Fearless warriors China always give a fitting rebuff to the enemy, on their bravery is legendary, but whether they will be able to defeat zombies, depends on you!
Zombie - living dead, destroying all life in its path.
You know that the fight against zombies has been going on for many years and millions of Internet users and smartphone owners have joined the ranks of the biological kingdom defenders.
The whole planet is monitoring developments.
It is difficult to find someone who has not heard about the fight against zombies, growing stress and anxiety for the future of the land in the world.
Today Zombies are trying to master the Great Wall of China, to destroy a national symbol of China, the king of flowers - peony. Outline peony has large, bright, and the multi-colors brings clean start! Peony - a symbol of happiness, prosperity, wealth and prosperity. If Peony die, the world expects poverty, a lot of grief and tears.
1. Zombies appear unexpectedly from various places, so distribute attention, keep in sight the whole Chinese wall.
2. Help the soldiers quickly bring projectiles or bricks to hit their enemies.
3. The game has several levels. Do not relax, the zombies will appear more and climb the wall faster.
This game is suitable for you if
1. Are you ready to help the Warrior to defeat the zombies!
2. Do you like to win a victory!
3. The aims and do everything to achieve it.
If you are now reading this, then you are ready to download the game and become a defender of the Great Wall of China! Good luck and win!