★★★★★Identity permission is required by Google Play Game Service for game Achievements and Leaderboard
The 15 puzzle is a sliding puzzle that consists of a frame of 4x4 numbered square tiles in random order with one tile missing. The object of the puzzle is to place the tiles in order (see diagram). It's also called Gem Puzzle, Boss Puzzle, Game of Fifteen, Mystic Square.
The game is integrated with Google Play Game services and provides:
1) 3 leaderboards
2) 6 achievements with up to 90,000 points
Game Options:
---Difficulty and Level: User can select game difficulty from easy, normal and hard. There are hundreds of different puzzles to play.
---Use Splash Screen: User can turn on or off for starting the program with splash screen.
---Install and run from SD card (for Android 2.2 and above).
The system requirements for this game:
---OS: Android v1.5 or above
---Physical Resolution: 320x480(HVGA), 480x800(WVGA800), 480x854(WVGA854), 1280x800 and other resolutions
---Perfect for Android smart phone and tablet
Provided by Frank Android Software @ www.softMiMo.com. A special thanks to our graphics provider Woody Thrower.
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