⚡⚡⚡ If you are Axie Infinity game, you must use this app because:
✨✨✨ Full Collection of class cards (Aqua, Beast, Plant, Bird, Reptile, Bug), you can see full info about any card to buy suitable Axies. Moreover, Melee Attack and Ranged Attack help you build the best team for PVP.
👑👑👑 Axie Tips help you calculate damage when attacking your enemy consists of buffs or debuffs, class, body,... Choose your Axie and enemy Axie, then input your Attack and enemy Defend, click body if your Axie has the same body with your class, choose buffs or debuffs. Finally, press Calculate to show absolute damage to the enemy. It is so helpful for gamers in PVP
✨✨✨ Axie Build (choose 6 parts of Axie and Axie Body to calculate Your Axie Stat). Pure Axie will have all part same with body.
👑👑👑 PVE Tips show you about Experiences and SLP you will get when you completed these ruins.
⭐⭐⭐ Scholarship will update soon.
Axie Infinity Game Support is NOT affiliated with Axie Infinity. This is an application support gamer to play better.