Are you familiar with the voice of Xuan Bac intelligence?
You are ready to take on the challenges of the famous game show is completely new design with beautiful interface, questionnaires are online online continuously without having to reload the application.
Bring up the all-new Saga and experience the great support tools:
- Open the hint at any position
- Clear the wrong answer with a quick 'clear'
- Easy tingting with many options: SMS, scratch card, installed application selected for you, or simply invite friends on facebook to play.
- Send the questionnaire with the 'KHOAI' certificate of fun, different to Facebook and get reward.
Or simply write something on Facebook that will get you Tingting.
The challenge is ahead, start your test right now.
- Compatible with all screen sizes from 320x240 to HD 1280x720 even for 1900x1080 TV screen so you can feel with smart TV devices.