Battle World is a game in which players must conquer the world
Recruit troops, attack lands, fight your enemies, defend your territory and win trophies.
Each troop has features and improvements with special powers.
Battle World is a turn based game.
At the first turn the player chooses an available troop. Depending the troop and the improvement choosen, the player will have less or more units.
Units troops allow player to attack regions. Player will win a trophy for each occupied region. When a new troop is deployed, it must first attack a region on the edge of the map. To capture a region player must have more units than those who are already on the region. During a fight, if a player loses, one unit disappeared and the others returns to player for next turn.
After attack, player must dispatch his units on each regions occupied by his troop.
Last step where trophies are collected. Each region occupied by the player gives him a trophy. Depending troop and impovement player can collect additional trophies.
Features :
* 2 players board
* 1 player vs l'IA
* 1 player vs 1 player on same device
* Online mode : 1 player vs online player
To come soon :
* Online multiplayers
* 5 players board