Black Stories (Enigmas) is an easy-to-play and fun puzzle game that consists of puzzles and stories to solve in a group. All stories are fictional. To solve the puzzles the participants will have to prove to be real detectives.
Black Stories should be played in a group. A person, designated as a narrator, chooses a riddle and reads his description aloud.
Then the narrator reads his solution without telling other people. Other players should ask questions to solve the puzzle.
The narrator can only answer the questions using "Yes", "No" or "Not relevant". The only possible solution is the one provided on the back of each puzzle card. If the answer is not yet clear enough, players should follow the interpretation of the enigma's narrator.
A typical passage of a match may be:
Player 1: "Did he die because of the shot?"
Narrator: "No"
Player 2: "Was he poisoned?"
Narrator: "No"
Player 3: "Does he have children?"
Narrator: "Not relevant"
Player 1: "Are there other people in the story?"
Narrator: "No"
Player 2: "Did he commit suicide?"
Narrator: "Yes"
When the narrator finds that the story has been resolved satisfactorily, he can complete the game and read the complete solution.
It is up to the narrator to give some clues if the story is at an impasse.
It's perfect for birthday parties, camping ... and every situation where you have several friends.
This free application includes more than 90 stories and new puzzles will be added periodically.
Accidents, suicides, robberies ... Will you be able to solve all these mysteries?