After having managed to survive another day in the village, pushed by a mysterious appeal, Andrea, Giovanni and Silvia are venturing deeper and deeper into the now alien territory around them. Under the unnaturally red sky, they look for answers to the horror that suddenly devoured them, not knowing what will happen on their journey, but with the only awareness that - in one way or another - everything will come to a conclusion. It will be up to you to decide the final fate of this adventure!
We have thus arrived at the conclusion of the adventure, but the road to salvation is still long and full of dangers: it will be up to you to make the crucial decisions, to put an end to this nightmare. Who are these creatures really? What moves it? How can you face something so big? You can find the answers only you, trying to get to the perfect two finals ..
-The end of the trilogy, where the answers to all the questions will be given.
-New enemies, new dangers and horrors waiting in this world.
-The moral choices play an even more important role in this chapter: it will be up to you to move towards one of the two perfect endings, following these choices.
-Also in this chapter, many possible finals, and only two 'perfect' ... and many nefarious ..