Chicken Noodles - Road cross
Why did the Chicken cross the road … ? To get the baby chicks safely home.
You control Mother Hen and your job is to help the baby chicks safely across the road, they'll always run towards mom or the chick in front. Think of it as a cross between frogger and snake but brought up to date with 3D graphics and realistic physics.
Avoid the cars and lorries, try and keep the flock of baby chicks close. Then make a dash for the other side and the safety of the chicken coup.
Once you have the first batch home, you'll see the next brood hatch out. You'll need to head back across the road to collect them and then return to the coup again.
The better you get the more eggs will hatch out. As you run and weave across the road the chicks will follow and look like chicken noodles (that's where we got the name from).
The game ends when either you run out of time, or you loose 3 chicken lives.
So enjoy our tasty Chicken Noodles Road crossing.
No Chickens were injured during the making of this game!