When life starts being chaotic, it’s
CLEANING time. Ana did exactly that! She was in an endless loop of misfortune. First, she lost her job and couldn’t find a new one, and then her boyfriend left her. Everything seemed without hope for our girl Ana, nothing was clear to her, but the secret of happiness is low expectations. Fate brought a cleaning service advertisement right in front of her, she decided to go for it. Beth, an owner of the cleaning service, is in desperate need of help just like Ana.
It was an INSTANT MATCH, these two girls can help each other and make their lives crystal clean again! Together as CLEANING QUEENS, our girls can clean up anything.
Pick up your broom with them and let the game begin! 🧹
Gameplay -
PICK AND MOVE for a start! Throw away garbage and move objects from the floor, make it clean.
DRAG AND DROP - Misplaced things needs to be found and placed in their right spot in the home. Let’s keep it neat!
FIX all the necessary
SPRAY all stain spots until it becomes crystal clean house.
SCRUB with powerful
BRUSH and give it a fresh, clean look.
VACUUM from floor to ceiling, clean the spider web!
RENOVATE the house and bring it to its former glory.
PARTICIPATE in the events to earn prizes in game!
COMPLETE achievements to earn even MORE prizes in game!
PLAY every day, and the DAILY REWARD is yours!
Game features: - Graphics only gets prettier when you and the girls wipe off the dust!
- Easy game to play, easier to clean!
- Cleaning service led by Beth has a lot of satisfied customers, you should find a way to keep it like that! All you need is to make people happy with the service and clean up their mess with the help of the girls.
- Have fun while cleaning houses but yet use only a finger.
- Help our girls
RENOVATE their cleaning service house and bring it to perfection. After all, the house needs to represent the cleaning service. Run a
FULL HOUSE MAKEOVER and make the house and service crystal clean again.
- In this home cleaning game, you won't decorate and clean only inside but outside the house too!
DOUBLE YOUR CLEANING ability and creativity! Join our girls in this cleaning adventure game!
- Amazing events are waiting for you in the game!
- More than 50 levels of cleaning and renovating! Stunning game!
- Redesigned shop, even more items for everyone's taste!