Generate infinite crosswords with this application that has a dictionary of more than 3000 words in which you will find synonyms, acronyms, definitions, countries, capitals of the world, etc.
A crossword, also known as self-defined or "crossed words", is a pastime that consists of filling the cells of a table, with letters, forming words which will give a definition, some synonyms or some other clue. Words can be read both vertically and horizontally.
A good tactic to complete them is to start by filling in the shorter, 3-letter words, since the number of words is more limited and they are easy to learn.
As words are completed, the letters in the crosses will serve as an additional clue to discover other words of greater length.
If you doubt that a word that you have inserted is correct, you do not know where you made an error or if you just want to make the game a little easier, you can activate the help mode, which will show the correct letters in green and the incorrect ones in red.
If you play on a small device and you like big crosswords, you can activate the zoom to show the cells with the size that is most comfortable for you.
Play "Crosswords in Spanish for free" on your phone, tablet or Android TV.
Test your vocabulary and enrich yourself culturally while you entertain yourself.
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