Dartplosions: Dart Explosions is a simple interactive mobile game that allows you to throw darts to incoming nuclear with a simple method: touching the screen. The nukes will be faster the longer you play the game, and we, developers will make fun of you if the final score is low. Be prepared.
There are six medals you can get: Bronze, silver, gold, and two secrets medals. All depends on your final score.
> 0 (Bronze)
> 50000 (Silver)
> 200000 (Gold)
> 500000 (Secret)
> 1000000 (Secret)
Every time you hit a nuclear, you will get points from 100 to 150. However, if you miss a dart, you will lose 150 points, and every dart misses will be count.
You have three lives, you lose one if a nuclear pass through the bottom of your phone screen. If your lives reach zero, game will over.
Boss Nuke:
A boss nuke is a gigantic nuclear that will destroy you immediately if it get pass through bottom of your screen. It will spawn if 100 nukes are destroyed. How to destroy it? Well, tap as hard as hard as you can, buddy. You need 65 darts to destroy the holy boss.
• First boss nuke will give you 30000 points.
• Second boss nuke will give you 60000 points.
• More than that, you get 100000 points by destroying it.
Power Up(s):
There is three power up crystals in the game: Nukestroyer (Red Crystal), Bless (Yellow Crystal), and with the worst name of all, Kamehamedart (Blue Crystal).
• Nukestroyer: Destroy all nukes on the screen.
• Bless: Give you one life point, if you already has three life points, the exchange will be 1000 points.
• Kamehamedart: Spawn a large and long beam that will destroy every nuke along its path.
You can change background theme and particles in the main menu, there is three themes available for now: Desert, Volcano, and Night.
If you get any trouble, or find a bug in the game. Please send us an email at
[email protected].