* Reduce and destroy Asteroids headed our way
* Each asteroid is associated with a color consisting of 1,2 or 3 primary (Red, Green, Blue) and complementary (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta) colors.
* Missiles with specific payloads can be used to reduce/destroy the asteroid. Payload should be a component color.
* Select the type of game, available options
- Accuracy
- Damage Control
* Select from different difficulty levels
- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
* Proceed through different waves with increasing levels of difficulty as you keep destroying asteroids. Speed and number of asteroids increase)
* Use in game power-ups to help you out
* Obtain bonus enhancements by shooting down the UFO
* Achieve different levels and earn power ups during the game
* Achieve different levels and earn enhancements to the spaceship and missiles
* Keeps track of statistics Total/Average for games Score, Played, Asteroids, Missiles.
* No internet connection needed