Everytown celebrated its 10th birthday.
Thank you very much for loving Everytown over the past 10 years.
It is all thanks to the love of our users that Everytown has been able to come this far, and we hope to make a new decade together that has just begun.
We will continue to work hard to repay you with better games.
We promise to be Everytown that always thinks of users first.
Thank you very much.
Introducing the 10th anniversary update.
- Launch of the 12th town Tani Town
- [Royal Resort] Balloon Party
- [Special Tower] Clock Tower
- [Research Center] Piñata
- [Theme Park] Tani Birthday Party I, II
- [Residents] Festival Bring
- [Birth Flower Lab] Gladiolus
- My House New skin release!
- Cocktail Shrimp Specialty Store
- Premium Party Cupcake Specialty Store
- 10th Anniversary Chef Road Event