Fill it Don't spill it is the new and exciting
App Bucket Challenge of 2017 which helps to raise money for five amazing Charities. Its a fun new free game.
Are you good at puzzles? Do you think you are good at games? Well try this game and see what score you can get. Beware its hard and addictive. Challenge people to beat your score or donate to charity.
Play and get a high score, then share and post it to social media and challenge people to beat your score or donate to any of the five charities via the in game donation button. You can also challenge friends, family and anyone you know.
Fill it Don't spill it is designed to fund-raise for charity in a new and challenging way.
The game has four modes
All you have to do is
Press and hold the tap to make the water pour and the bucket will start to fill. Then let go of the tap when the water is in the green and red area. Do it correctly and another bucket will appear. Under fill or Over fill and its game over.
Seem's easy ? yes, but remember the green and red area changes position randomly on every bucket.
Easy, medium and hard all have different size areas where the water must stop. Bonus round is timed seeing how many buckets you can fill in
60 seconds!To make the game even more difficult there is a toggle button during game play. Turn it on and off to make the bucket slide with the movement of the device. This way it becomes even more difficult as you have to keep the device straight and fill the bucket to the correct level.
As well as challenging others and spreading the word we challenge you to see how many buckets you can fill? Its Free, Its Fun, And Its New