Hi, we all know how important are the doctors in our lives. If supercooled if something hurts us or simply we have an accident they are there to help us to feel better. A good doctor is always with us and with a proper treatment makes us feel good. If you want to become a doctor you will definitely love this game very much. In this game you have the opportunity to make friends but you must not forget that you'll be able to test your skills. You'll be a doctor for a day but your role is very important and if you manage to finish this mission you will definitely make your family proud.
Pay attention to the details of the game for children.
Follow all instructions of this game for girls.
- Our friend was at a picnic in the woods and there she had an accident.
- Now she feels bad and she came to your office to help get rid of thorns that are in her feet;
- You will need to remove the thorns with a pair of pliers;
- Disinfect wounds;
- Apply a cream that will scar the wounds;
- Apply patches;
- Make a ray to see if it has any broken bones;
- You have to take care of her nails;
- Our friend is doing very well;
- You're a very good doctor and certainly a trustworthy friend.
Thank you for helping, please come back daily to help us through this game with doctors.
Have fun!