GullyCricket Scorer is a scoring app for your own cricket matches.Use it for street cricket , school cricket or league cricket or T20 matches and save the hassles of maintaining a scoring paper.Its easy for umpires to use the app after each ball to maintain scores while umpiring. With just a click on the ball decide whats the outcome of the ball.
* Maintain list of Teams and Team Players
* Add new teams and player on the fly , no initial setup setup needed. Click "New Game" and you are good to go.
* Match details is saved after every ball,so continue your pending game at any time.
* View pending match details and completed match details.
* Maintain ball-by-ball scoring details.
* Means to adjust scores after scoring the ball in case of a scoring error. Overthrow can be added here.
* Organise the match by inviting a mail or through facebook posts.
* Post the completed match scorecard to facebook.
Gully crikcet, cricket scorer, IPL , T20 matches, World Cup cricket scorer, street cricket, beach cricket, league cricket, county cricket scorer, T20 world cup cricket scorer, school cricket scorer