Find search teams
Searches must be carried out promptly and professionally. With this app you get a list of available and suitable dog teams.
- Entry of hit information by game species and condition of the game
- Display of the available and suitable tracker teams (list sorted by distance from their location)
- Detailed view of a dog handler
- Display of the suitability and address information of the NSG
- Push-To-Call
- Send location via SMS
Hunting calendar
Display of hunting and closed seasons for the current date with the option of selecting a different date.
Login dog handlers
Protected area for dog handlers to adjust the location or their availability
Water retrievers
List of available water retrievers
Hunting documents always with you
- Listing of your documents such as hunting pass, proof of shooting, proof of insurance with name and selection date
- Adding a new document as a photo
- Documents become local saved on their device.
The timely search for a suitable dog is an indispensable duty. It is to be ensured by every hunting society in the canton of Aargau in accordance with the legal and ethical principles of hunting. Every wild animal that can be hunted according to the law, has had an accident, is sick or has been shot at and has fled must be searched for promptly and professionally.
JAGDAARGAU and the canton of Aargau promote and support the tracking teams that are in practical use in their important and animal welfare-related work for the benefit of wild animals.