This is a game for playing music scores created using Celeca's music score simulator "simai".
You can play the original music scores that you have created as well as the original music scores that other people have created.
[How to insert music scores]
① When you start this game, a folder called "maiPadPLUS" will be created in "Android/data/com.HinataMusic.maiPadPlus/files".
② Inside the created "maiPadPLUS" folder there is a "score" folder, so create a "folder with the song name" inside it.
③ Place "maidata.txt (required)", "track.mp3 (optional)", and "bg.jpg (optional)" created with "simai" into the "song name folder" created in ②. (*At this time, if you have a video file, you can include it with the name "mv.mp4" and the background while playing the score can be made into a video as an option. However, MV playback is not supported on Android 10. The above is not supported due to the specifications of the development environment. We will fix it as soon as it is resolved.)
④Start up maiPad PLUS and move to the song selection screen, and you will be able to play the imported score.
1. If the characters are garbled, please save the character code of maidata.txt as "UTF-8".
2.Please use the same line break code.
3.The start timing of the score may differ between simai and maiPadPLUS. In that case, use the in-game option ``FIRST OFFSET'' (recommended) or ``maidata.txt'' to set ``&first=first note start time'', ``&seek=music start time'', and ``&wait=wait time for song start''. Please adjust.
4. If the Notes timing is correct but the answer sound timing is not, you can adjust the answer sound timing using the in-game option "ANSWER OFFSET."
5. If "track.mp3" is present but does not play, it may not be encoded correctly. Instead of forcing the file to be renamed to ``.mp3,'' use encoder software to encode it correctly.
6. This game is for playing "creative music scores". Please refrain from playing with the actual music scores.