Mermaid is a wonderful creatures and everyone likes them very much!
What if they invite you to join the mermaid princess party tonight?
They are just so beautiful, lovely and sweet always like princess!
It is just too hard to say no if they want to be friend with you!
Mermaids are having fun tonight and now busy to go make up saloon.
They like to dress up beautiful and make themselves look pretty!
They are the fairy tales under sea and each of them are shining.
Mermaid is the treasure that nothing much could match their value.
You can not find anything that offer the same feel on you again.
They are just unique and the pleasure of the sea everyone love.
Mermaid princess party is held under beautiful deep sea tonight.
All the mermaid princess here are invited and they feel so happy!
The make up saloon is already fully booked since morning till now.
Human might not really know how actually the deep sea look like.
Simply because we do not have advance technology to do so yet.
One day we will have the chance to go down deep sea and explore.
We wonder is mermaid really exist or it is just a myth only.
This would not affect the human desire and the feeling on them.
They are just wonderful for us and we loves them very much too!
Now let's get yourself ready and join the Mermaid Princess Party!
We see you and other mermaid in make up saloon before the party!
Mermaid Princess Party Game Play
★ Touch Mermaid To Have Fun
★ Do Not Harm Pearl
All these mermaids are like super kids and they like to have fun.
They keep smiling laughing and live happily and no on disturb.
Feel like problem free and there have nothing to worry in life.
Mermaid are rushing to visit makeup saloon for tonight party!
Enjoy playing this Mermaid Princess Party and have so much fun!