You were found unconscious by a detective on a stormy night.
Amnesiac, your only memories come down to a crime scene,
while your feelings for this sincere man are constantly growing ... "My hands ... they are covered in blood ..."
"Would I have committed a murder? "
It is in this state of confusion
that then appears this man who claims to be your fiancé.
What is the connection between your lost memories and this murder !?
Join a police investigation loaded with suspense and emotion,
succumb to the irresistible charm of his characters!
■ "Illegal romance" A beautiful love story Available for free download,
A free application full of suspense and romance.
A breathtaking story, with seductive and charismatic characters against a background of police investigation.
This game has already won over 3,000,000 players in Japan!
■ Characters ♥ Noze Hiroki
Police Officer of East Police Station
A straight and sincere man.
Unable to abandon a person in need.
Of a great kindness, he is however sometimes too undecided ..
♥ Aida Masahiko
Following your loss of memory, this man appears suddenly in front of you.
Claiming to be your fiancé, he has a mysterious aura.
A hard man, gruff, but attentive.
♥ Ichiji Atsushi
Senior police officer.
His righteous and pragmatic conduct as possible sometimes astonishes his entourage.
Carrying the duty of his office above all things,
He is a man ready for all sacrifices to achieve his goals.
Oga Ryutaro
In appearance a light and frivolous person,
this man is really cautious, reasoned and an excellent police officer.
However, his youth also reveals an explosive temperament.
♥ Amano Chuzen
Belongs to the public security department of the Metropolitan Police.
Juvenile in appearance and sometimes irresponsible behavior,
he occupies a mediocre position.
Despite everything, he seems to have keen senses in decisive moments.
His nickname is Ten-Nen.
■ Dear players, this game is for you, if you: ✓Like free games to interactive stories.
✓Love virtual girl drag games.
✓Love romantic dramas, comics, interactive stories and love mangas for girls.
✓Will experience an exceptional love story in an otome game.
✓Love to constantly live love stories with beautiful young men.
✓Want to live a mature love story with the man of your life.
✓ Look for a slightly erotic adult love story.
✓ Seek to virtually live a love story forbidden by the mores of society.
✓ Seek to live an exceptional love story for free.
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■ Basic information. ✓Free installation.
✓ Free game (on a daily basis).
■ Caution ✓If you uninstall the game or empty your cache, the game data will be reset.
✓This application does not work without a good internet connection.
✓You need an operating system 4.1 (or later) to play this game.
■ Usage protocol