perfekt Velocity is true to its name and offers an exciting combination of Strategy, Skill and Frustration!
** Free version includes levels 1-3 only. Download full version for all levels! **
** Play at least one full level with 10 missions to understand and enjoy the game **
** There are no ads in this game **
Your space ship is falling into a black hole and you have to collect the fuel to maintain thrust.
The goal is to complete your mission and return to the base station.
If the space ship loses thrust, it falls into the black hole. If it gathers too much velocity, the mission still fails. Only perfect Velocity will get the job done!
You have to pilot the space ship through the space maze and activate the docking port switch in order to successfully complete the mission.
Space is a mysterious place and each level brings interesting new challenges that can drive up the required skill and frustration level!!
Download and enjoy this one of a kind game!
This free version includes limited levels. Download the full version of the game to play all levels and any future upgrades!