The first round of Texas Hold poker is called preflop and is very specific. This is a key moment in the game.
The decision to take a bet bases only on two cards. It is less than 1/3 of the entire poker hand. This is the stage of poker where you can much help your self by using statistics.
You have to answer the question of with what starting hands to start the game.
Poker Tips answers this question.
May the Force be with you.
How it works?
* Poker Tips evaluates the power of your hand on a scale from 1 to 10.
Our system checked once which hands win the most, by making simulation of 100 thousands games on 10 person's tables.
Results are presented on the scale from 1 to 10, where 10 means the hand which wins the most.
Always fold when a score of your hand is lower than 6.0
If you play at early position (many player are after you) play only with hands of score higher than 8.0
* Poker Tips calculates odds.
For any starting hand, you can check odds to get the poker hand with 3 community cards which appears on the flop.
Odds 1 to 4 means that once per four time community cards on the flop will make a "poker hand" with player's cards in a hand.
How to use?
Set the starting hand and click "Calculate". On the black chip will appear the rate of the hand.
Exactly color of your cards doesn't matter for calculation's probability. Important is weather both cards are suited (in the same color). You can set this by click on the special button.