It has always been known that crosswords are one of the best forms of relaxation. People of all ages use them to relieve their nerves and practice our mind as well.
Our Polish Crosswords are:
- in the Polish language version
- questions are territorial, referring to Poland
- Crosswords generate automatically, so there is an infinite number of combinations
- Very many passwords to guess, we increase this number with subsequent updates
- The ability to choose the size of the board!
- Three modes of difficulty
+ easy mode - only the correct letters are highlighted to enter the password and highlight the correct answer
+ medium mode - the entire keyboard for entering passwords, but the correct answers are highlighted
+ difficult mode - the entire keyboard and correct answers are only known at the end
- the game also works optimally on tablets
- everything automatically adjusts to the size of your screen
You will not even know when your knowledge will increase. No more games that only fool you. If you suffer from nerves it is also the best form of entertainment for you. Playing our crossword, you draw thoughts away from your problems which allows you to fully relax. You train your gray cells, thereby increasing the efficiency of your brain.
Crossword history *
The originator of the crossword is American Arthur Wynne, employee of the New York World newspaper and tricks department. He put the first crossword in the Sunday supplement "Fun" ("Fun") to "New York World" of December 21, 1913. It was modeled on the social game played by his grandfather - "Magic Square or Double Acrostics". "Original crossword puzzle" contained 32 entries. The boxes were separated by black spaces. The idea met with such enthusiasm from the readers that in 1924, the book "Crossworld puzzle" was published. It contained a selection of 50 crosswords published so far in "Fun". She turned out to be a bestseller. Within a month, over half a million copies were sold out. The invention has not been patented. A few months later, the news went to the British, who spread it to other European countries. There have also been magazines devoted exclusively to this type of mental entertainment, on which millions of people around the world break their heads.
Crosswords in Poland *
In the "Warsaw Courier" of January 31, 1925, in the task department edited by the author of numerous charades, Karol Hoffman, an "cross puzzle" was published anonymously. The editors funded 5 prizes for people who will send the correct solution. A week after that, a cross by Kazimierz Makarczyk was attached to the Warsaw weekly 'Illustration'. It was this chess that first gave the name "crossword" which is a translation of the English word "cross word puzzle". Soon the crosswords started to publish other Polish newspapers.
* Wikipedia source
Our Crosswords help greatly in learning Polish
Polish science
learn polish
it is a fully Polish game
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