In one sunny days beautiful princess dora woke up from sleep only to discover that the wily fox has hijacked and went out to his home in the jungle predators where many live animals such as the lion and the tiger and the wolf and a lot of exotic beasts
The real reason for the kidnapping of a young girl is that the animal wants feline magic bag curiosities that contain books and colored pencils and notebooks beautiful but refused to give it to him he went out into the enchanted castle huge and held her there
After I woke up from sleeping princess looked out the window into the woods and saw her boyfriend small monkey asked him to help her gave her a map of the forest by the escape and was misled on places hidden treasures and delicious fruit and vegetables
I decided to escape from the role Witch Castle friendly fox and go to the palace in the city in which he lives, and her father and her mother and her friends
To be able to survive you need to help you to eliminate monsters and Almnon, insects and obstacles and rivers frightening
You must be the little girl assistant in the running jump, swimming, collecting coins and treasures so that you are buying gifts Autea to the house and to buy a fast car for her friend mozo adventurer and buy a bag for her school and buy a cake for her sister on the occasion of Eid Birthday Party
This is a free game for all Android devices have been designed to fit the game of girls and boys and to fit all languages and communities can be played on the tablet or on mobile
The game includes many of the different stages and levels in difficulty and characterized Alabh turnout beautiful and scenic and fragrant roses
The game suitable for all times and ages now download the game and go in the world of happiness and fun and friends competed in the biggest stock of gold collection