##### Work in Progress #####
######. Multilanguage .######
Project Eldena is a Role Playing Game that is still in development. It's based on Pen and Paper rules, so that it's simple but still not too simple! This game is based on quests that the player completes on randomly generated 2 dimensional maps with different layouts.
Cause it's still in development, there's no story to play. But this will change.
Implemented so far:
- Hero with different classes
- Experiencing system
- Monsters
- Fights
- Inventory
- Shop
- usable Items (Weapons, Armor, Potions)
- Quests
- randomly generated 2 dimensional maps
- different map layouts
- fog of war
- german
- english
- spanish (excluded till future updates)
- italian (excluded till future updates)
- romanian (excluded till future updates)
- russian (excluded till future updates)
- slovakian (excluded till future updates)
- swedish (excluded till future updates)
- hungarian (excluded till future updates)