Robot Killer Death War is the battle happen in earth now.
Both if them are here to fight for the energy power ball.
This ultimate war will never end once it get started now.
No one could stop it no matter how hard human try on it.
Human wish to live peacefully and this is not what we want.
Now you have the chance to end this by terminate them all.
Touch to eliminate them and protect energy power ball too.
This makes Robot Killer Death War a very interesting game.
Robot has never lose in any war and they maintain the record.
Killer counter any shoot and target on them and strike back.
The fight between them is unforgettable and hard to predict.
Mankind is the victim of this battle and they must be saved.
The world is no longer peaceful and everyone living in fear.
You will be the hero to save them and help the whole world.
Destroy all of them and protect the energy power ball now.
Let's experience this ultimate Robot Killer Death War game.
Robot Killer Death War Game Play
★ Destroy Both Robot and Killer ★
★ Protect Energy Power Ball ★
Robot is the top fighter and not easy to beat them in war.
Killer is great counter sniper and top in shooting strike.
You can see this game is very interesting and fun to play.
Start playing this exciting Robot Killer Death War game now!