Best Indian rummy card game Join us at Rummy Champ, the Indian Rummy card game app! Play for a round of classic multiplayer card game online with millions of players all around the world real-time!
Play Online Rummy Card Game & Popular Classic Free Games Rummy Champ with excellent bots to play with, is a great learning platform to get the ultimate rummy experience and become a Indian rummy online player.
Smooth Game-play Even at Slow Connections Rummy Champ works fast and smooth even on 2G or 3G Internet connection, or on wifi network connection, without any delay when you play Indian rummy online card games.
Multiplayer, Online Card Game Playing Rummy Champ and chatting with friends in-game is the best multiplayer online gaming experience you can have with an online, multiplayer card game!
Through unique multiplayer mode, play Indian rummy online with your friends for free to enjoy the easy, fun, exciting and competitive rummy game. Try to demonstrate your rummy skills in free rummy games live and online.
♠️Rummy Card Game Rules
🎴 Rummy Game is played between 2 to 5 players.
🎴 On classic Indian Rummy card game, 13 cards dealt to each user.
🎴 Each player starts with 80 points and must form sequences and sets to reduce their points from 80 to 0.
🎴 Minimum two sequences are required, one of these sequences must be pure (called First Life).
🎴 On a player's turn, one could choose to pick up a face up or face down card and exchange it with a card from his hand.
🎴 Player should get to 0 points with the correct sequences and sets as quickly as possible to win rummy game.
Rummy Champ is intended for an adult audience for entertainment purposes only. Practice or success at social casino gambling does not reward real money prizes, nor does it guarantee success at real money gambling.
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