"Ruphian: The Legend of a Warrior" is a small tribute to the classic 8-bit games in the Twentieth Century and it has an immense difficulty and really showing what being a hardcore player! :) Brings an 8-bit surround soundtrack and really, really fun, of course!
Ruphian is a nostalgic, simple and a funny game.
Help our hero Niki to save Litchi princess!
He was designed to be played with one hand in moments of relaxation, where Niki will have to face enemies and Persimmon – the big villain! Brrrr… – to save the Litchi princess and the kingdom of Ruphian!
For this, Niki need to go through the gloomy Stone Forest harvesting 500 ruphias power and thus face
Persimmon Desert of Forgotten!
Be hurry, because the time is running out!
Save the princess (of course there is one!) if you are able! ;)
And remember it: above all... have fun!