The user, the user of the app Schafkopf list gets in case, that he / she plays with like-minded Schafkopf, the possibility, the each achieved scoring point digitally. If individual Schafkopfrunden finished, he / she has the appropriate score at a glance, but also sees the points scored each sheep Schafkopfrunde.
Simple or multiple tapping can be calculated as well as the impact to the deer.
The fact that a You, a Tout and a Wenz can be digitized in addition to a wedding is almost a matter of course.
So far, unique in its kind: On the one hand, the ability to settle not only 4, but also 5 players. On the other hand, to have a "stick" stored in the case of fitting.
In addition, the app knows, for example, exactly that gem. Schafkopf rules in a so-called "Mußspiel" a push is not allowed or that in a you or Tout no tailor, or (tailor) black may be calculated.
With Schafkopf list you are well prepared for all billing eventualities.