The simplest physics game ever. Just put a cat into a box and wait! The game based on the famous physicist Erwin Shrödinger's thought experiment with a cat locked in a box together with a radioactive substance.
How to play:
Place the widget onto homescreen of your device. Now you have choise of several cats and isotopes of different chemical elements. For every isotope its half-life is known. Choose a cat and an element to put into a box. Wait some time and open box by tap. If the cat is alive, you'll win and will get some points. If the cat is dead, you'll lose.
Probability of the cat's death and number of points you get are equal to atom decay probability. The higher probability is, the more points you get. For example, if you choose Uranium-228, an isotope with half-life equal to 9 minutes 6 seconds and open the box after this time, the probability of cat's death will be 50% and if you find the cat alive you'll get 50 points. If you wait 18 minutes 12 seconds, double half-life, the probability will be 75% and you'll get 75 points. Probability of cat's death will never reach 100% but you can get 100 points in case of probability equal or greater than 99.5%.
Sometimes you can get points that are less than death probability. It means that the cat of your choise has special skills. For example, Cheshire cat can escape from the box by tunelling through the box's walls and remain alive even after atom's decay. That's the reason why you get less points with this cat.
Moreover, though usually you get zero points in case of loss, sometimes you can get negative score. This also depends on which cat you put into a box.