Hard donat, endless grind, stupid monotonous quests and advertising - all this is not in our game ?
But in it there are: ★ The ability to create your own powerful Empire with dozens of planetary colonies in a variety of galaxies.
★ Alliances that unite hundreds of players with common interests, with their structure, rules, bonuses, the bank and their own chat and forum.
★ Developed system of diplomacy: make alliances with friendly alliances, or declare war on them! Carefully choose friends and enemies ...
★ Hard command PvP-battles: learn the enemy, develop a strategy, choose the best time, negotiate with the allies for help, unite the fleets and defeat the enemy! Or not, if the enemy is smarter. The universe does not forgive mistakes.
★ 15 types of shock ships, 9 types of planetary defenses, interplanetary rockets, and the most powerful improved Fleet Flagship.
★ Unique spacecraft - Fleet flagship. Improve and modernize it, pump skills affecting the fleet, defense and colony. Depending on the chosen strategy, it can greatly enhance the power of your fleet, improve the efficiency of the colony or become a highly mobile defensive unit capable of alone repelling a powerful enemy attack.
★ Not only war, but the economy! Credits are a game currency that can be found in an expedition. Trade with players in the auction, buy from them modules for the flagship and artifacts, or pay for their services.
★ Exciting expeditions with interesting, and most importantly, very useful finds.
★ General chat for the entire Universe and your own alliance chat - sometimes you just want to chat ?
★ Deeply optimized for mobile phones and tablets game interface.
★ And much, much more - we have not written about 10% of what is in this game!
Conquer the planets, conquer galaxies, create an unbreakable alliance of the strongest players in the universe! Get together in an unequal space battle with your enemies, plunging into the spectacular and exciting world of Space Kings!