Imagine this.
You are a space traveler. One day you sat in your spaceship and decided to go. Now, you are in the outer space battling enemies and foes.
Does that sound interesting to you?
That is a good fact because the things that catch your interest are just so few.
As you go up and down in the outer space, you are doing the following things:
- You evade the enemies.
- You collect coins.
- You meet challenges and test your own limits.
Being a Space Runner means that you need to be forever on your toes. New challenges keep on getting thrown at you. Power-ups are there to help you out, but ultimately it is your true grit that makes you win:
* Speed - This power-up helps you speed up and travel a huge distance in a flash.
* Shield - This power-up saves you electric shocks for a while.
* Sonic Blast - Removes the imminent dangers from your path.
* Revive - This is a second life, in case you die the first time.
So put on your space traveler hat. Get into your spaceship. And, this is the Space Runner time!