Have you always wanted to fire medieval canons at constructed towers in your garden but now have several restraining orders saying you mustn't ? No, OK just me then, but if you like 3D physics puzzle games you're in luck !
Introducing Topple Towers. Manoeuvre your cannon around a series of increasingly complexed puzzle towers, blast any red blocks out of them while ensuring that the green ones stay put. Manipulate contraptions involving cogs, chains and other machinery. Marvel at a surprising use of a gyrocopter and utilise different materials such as ice , wood and steel to your advantage.
All safe in the knowledge that you will never have to come up with unconvincing excuses as to why there are cannon ball sized holes in your neighbours fence.
Please note that Topple Towers is best played on a device with an 800 mhz or faster processor along with 512mb Ram. If you don't mind tinkering with a few settings it will run on less powerful devices but you will probably need to run it in slow motion mode. Likewise if you have a shiny new dual core device such as a tegra 2 be sure to go into the preferences menu and turn on "Ultra physics" mode to take advantage of all its maths solving smugness. If you experience any problems with the game please read the help file included with the game for possible solutions. If you still experience problems please contact me at
[email protected].
Thanks for your feedback and bug reports so far. Some people have had queries about the movie at the start being jerky and suggesting I use a different movie format. Thanks for the suggestions but it's intentionally designed that way. It's a loading screen which flicks through a series of images while it is decompressing the game. It's like that so that the game will load as fast as the processor and ram in your phone allow and displays my name written in the clouds in the background while loading to deter against the small number of unscrupulous developers who have started stealing games and trying to sell them as their own work.
A few people have also reported it force closing on their phone at startup. The game checks to see if your device has enough free ram and a good enough graphics chip to run while starting. If it doesn't find enough then it will automatically close to prevent causing problems on your device. In some cases restarting your device may help free up enough ram to allow it to run on devices with less than 512mb ram.
Also if you have a high end android tablet with a high resolution display then the graphics will look a lot sharper if you turn on the 'native definition' option in the graphics menu.
This is the free lite version of Topple Towers. A full version is also available that contains more than 5 times as many puzzles.