Quiz Games: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Fun Trivia Crack Questions and Answers Game for Adults Offline/ Online
5000+ Trivia Crack General Knowledge Questions With Answers about animals, culture and society, questions about flora and fauna, questions about fields like history, geography, sports, music, cinema in the country and in the world.
Quiz Game: Funny Trivia Crack Questions And Answers not only brings you moments of relaxation after stressful working hours and classes, but it can also help you supplement your knowledge and information through extremely interesting puzzles, easy and engaging gameplay. book, allowing you to comfortably learn and discover knowledge.
Quiz Games: Fun Trivia Crack the questions are ordered from easy to difficult so you can try your hand at all the different question areas and different levels. The gameplay is very simple, we will give questions and 4 answers A, B, C, D, within 60 seconds, you must choose the correct answer. When you answer all 15 questions correctly, you win the game and become an instant millionaire in this game.
If you can't answer the question, don't worry, you have 2 free help including 50:50 and phone calls to famous scientists around the world. You can then use hint to exchange for additional help if needed. Hints will be accumulated by watching ads, or winning after 15 levels. Besides, you can ask for outside help by sharing with relatives, friends, or sharing on social networks for people to help and play with you.
When you choose the wrong answer, you will have 1 last chance to save yourself from losing and keep playing the game by watching a short ad or using a hint.
After each play "Quiz Games: Trivia Crack Questions" your scores will accumulate, and your achievements will be displayed at the top of the screen as well as in our International leaderboard. You can also try your hand at racing to the top of the leaderboard, with other local and international players.
You can find more questions about culture, society, history, geography, questions about sports, cinema, entertainment of other countries in the language of your choice in the change section. change Language. At the same time, it will also improve your ability to learn foreign languages through playing games in the language you want.
20,000 Random Trivia Crack Questions And Answers about general knowledge, cultural knowledge, social knowledge, knowledge of geography, history, questions about sports, entertainment, cinema, music, a large store of knowledge is now available. Compact in your phone, tablet. Experience and discover the Quiz Trivia Game "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" right now.
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