The most entertaining online game ever! Become a vampire lord by bringing other vampires into your clan. Feed your thirst for blood by acquiring slaves to gather blood for you. Perform numerous dark missions and learn abilities to rule the whole world. Make your mark in the history of vampire diaries.
Once darkness spreads in the sky, a whole new world wakes up. Although scary for normal beings, but The night seems familiar and comforting for a vampire romance. So go out there and join this underground vampire clan. Once you get started, proceed with your plans, i.e. complete vampire dominance!
Start as a amateur vampire and become the most powerful vampire lord in the history of vampires.
Fight various creatures such as animals, zombies and other vampires in this immersive massively multiplayer online game ever!
New missions, abilities, Slaves, and more!
Fight other vampires LIVE.
Strengthen yourself with the best items available.
Collaborate with other vampires to make yourself stronger
Brace with Elder's blessing and get rejuvenated.
Engage and fight against your enemy.
LIVE Vampire Leaderboard.