Castlekeep was once rich and prosperous land, magic was used for good and the people enjoyed plentiful harvests and good health.
The magic of the kingdom was kept by three wise wizards Mulcheny, Grongle and Ultred. Whilst Grongle and Ultred understood that the power they possessed was to be used for the betterment the entire nation Mulcheney had other plans.
One night Mulcheney used his powers to raise an army of hooded minions to capture Grongle and Ultred and keep them locked in the castle.
Free to rule the land as he saw fit Mulcheney began a reign of terror those who didn't obey his rule were cast out and left to live desolate lives in misery.
As Mulcheney's power grew, all hope diminished. There was however a way he could be defeated. Deep with in the bowels of Mulcheney's castle laid a book of prophesies from an ancient master of magic. It told of a dragon that can defeat all evil and restore prosperity to the beleaguered nation. It told that on the fifth night of the seventh moon a meteor would land on the mountain of Theros, located in Dragons Cove. From the ashes a force of good that will rise. The tyrants of misery will suffer. Lands will re-unite and freedom will be for all, not a privilege for the few.
When word of the prophesy reached Mulcheney the Fierce he immediately set an exclusion zone around Dragon's Cove cast a spell on the underground cellar which served as his cellar.
As time passed faith began to dwindle, despair replaced optimism, the will of the people broke. Until one day, after a shared vision Grongle and Ultred, after being visited by their ancestors in a vision, summoned up the ultimate magic. Broke free of their captor and made their way to Dragon Cove.
Furious, Mulcheney set an army of his most trusted army to track down the wizards and slay the dragon.
Wizards of Dragon Cove is a Point and Shoot game for all ages and skill levels, using your quick reaction skills you will need to fight off the hordes of minnions bent on destroying the dragon before it comes of age.
Intuitive Point and Shoot system
Online Leader Board
Varying levels of difficulty
Stunning Graphics
Combo Hit Points - Anyone can bash a screen, only the best can carefully plan where to attack
Phone specifications
Tested on Moto G5, Samsung S ,4,5,6
Unfortunately this game will not work on the following devices:
Droid Eris(desirec)
HTC EVO Design C715e(kingdom)
Wildfire CDMA(bee)
myTouch 3G(sapphire)
myTouch 3G Slide(espresso)