Become the AirBadminton master! With Woosh! you play with who, where and when you want. Accept the challenge and become the number 1 in the ranking. With the app you will always find a badminton job near you. Challenge your friends to a match: let's play!
Play a game?
Via the map in the app you always know where to find a badminton job in the area, for example in a park, at a school or at an association. Challenge a friend or teammate? Send a Buzz and let them know it's time for badminton!
Keep score:
With the app you can record the scores of all your matches in order to rank in the ranking of your playing location. This way you can see who is the master of the job. Because you record the scores, you can also view your own playing statistics afterwards.
In addition to the rankings per playing location, there is also the one and only Woosh! ranking. Through this ranking you can participate in various challenges to show that you are the very best! The scoring for the ranking is as follows: a win earns you 5 points, a draw 3 points and a loss 2 points. The more points you earn, the higher your ranking will be.
Register a job:
Create your own playing location or register a course in the map? Via the app you can register a badminton playing location for free with its own ranking. So you can finally decide who is number 1 of the job in your area or at the club!
The Woosh! app is the badminton platform of Badminton Netherlands. Knowing more? Check out our website or contact us at
[email protected].
Have fun!