Congratulations girls,boys & kids you have a cute little patient named Rosa to treat in the best hospital in town so be ready to be a crazy virtual surgeon.
Fun starts here you have to play the role of a real doctor you are a skillful doctor in the town and you have all the required surgery equipment in your own clinic.
A girl named Rosa has caught into an accident while she was riding the bike and was trying to catch the kite unfortunately a clumsy accident has occurred. Someone has called the ambulance to pick her to the hospital, she is going to be taken to emergency ward for treatment.
Firstly you to give her fresh oxygen so that she could breathe easily,use blood pressure machine to check the blood pressure whether it's high or normal so that she could be treated accordingly,use stethoscope to check her heart beat rate and in the end use thermometer to make sure she hasn't caught fever. Checkup is over now it's time to take an X-ray of her effected areas, get the help of nurses to make sure if she has got any fracture or other injury. During X-ray u need to take care of the effected area hold her hands and legs gently so that exact image of X-ray could be taken.
After the identification of effected parts, it's time to kill the monsters and germs that might effect the found badly for this you have tools to take them out with laser beam specially designed to kill them.
Use the antiseptic liquid to kill the rest of germs in order to heal the wound completely place the piece of bandage right onto the wound.
Checkup, cleanup is done it's time to operate now.Use injection to freeze the wound to avoid the patient from feeling any pain, take the blade cut the fractured area in sophisticated way by concentrating using your brain skills so that you may not cause any damage to arm.
After cutting take get the big tool to open the wound so that bones can be fixed.Get the hammer and strike gently to fix bones and to place them into correct position, get the rods put on the effect bones, insert bolts. It's almost done. Use the needle and thread just like tailors do sewing the wound by stitching properly.
Your little princess is absolutely fine, now you just have to take care of her diet by feeding her with fresh fruits, pills and syrup she will be healthy soon.
Don't forget to play our other doctor games for kids, girls games free.
So play, enjoy, rate & have fun