Requires a working version of X-Plane 10.40 or newer Compatible with X Plane 11.
Connect your computer running X-Plane and your Android device to the same network.
That's all that is required - the app will auto-configure and connect to X-Plane without any intervention from you.
This free demo contains airspeed indicator and altitude indicator.
The demo never expires.
If you have connection problems, please try the following:
1. Make sure your android device is connected to wifi, not mobile data.
2. Disable smart network switch on your android device.
3. Make sure your Android device is connected to the same subnet as your computer. This can be a problem for setups with WiFi repeaters or multiple access points/routers. For example, if your android device connects to a WiFi router that connects to a modem, and your PC connects directly to the modem, this app WILL NOT work. The PC must connect to the router.
4. Try several different android devices. If none of them can connect, it's likely a network issue. If some of them can connect, it's likely you have an incompatible device.
5. Disable firewalls on both your X-Plane computer and your android device.
6. Check your router settings so that they are not set to filter out multicast traffic.
7. Make sure IGMP proxying is enabled in your router settings.
If you like this app but would like more instruments, try
X Plane Steam Gauges Pro for a full six-pack with not just airspeed indicator and altimeter, but also attitude indicator, heading indicator, vertical speed indicator, and turn coordinator. The pro version also lets you configure the airspeed indicator to match your plane.
Available here: